Tuesday 15 January 2013


PALEO (mostly) Weight Watchers Pro-Points: 7


55g Tamari (reduced salt soy sauce- wheat free, no preservatives)
70g Honey
30g White Wine Vinegar
2 Cloves Garlic
3 cm cube ginger
45g Olive Oil
2 Spring onion cut into chunks
1tsp black peppercorns

1)      Place garlic, ginger, spring onion and peppercorns into the TMX bowl and blitz for 4 seconds on speed 7. Scrape sides with spatula.

2)      Add remaining ingredients and mix for 20 seconds on speed 3.
3)      Pour into a shallow dish and place chicken breasts in. (use spatula to scrape honey off of the bottom). Flip chicken a few times and use a spoon to scoop some of the chunky bits onto the top of the chicken. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to marinate. 

White Cabbage Salad (adapted from the ‘My Way of Cooking’ Cookbook)

Next make the salad...

250g cabbage cut into large chunks
60g carrot, cut into large chunks
25g red onion (quarter of a red onion)
50g red capsicum, cut into large chunks
50g apple, quartered
2 sprigs parsley (leaves only)
1 tsp rock salt
2 pinches of pepper
20g light olive oil
2tbsp lemon juice


1)      Place all ingredients into the TMX bowl and chop for 6 seconds on speed 4 using the spatula to help combine. (This can be done to desired consistency- I like mine quite chunky. The key here is to not cut the veggies too small. LARGE CHUNKS!)
2)   Refrigerate until needed.



1)      Take chicken out of the marinade and wrap tightly in cling film or place into a sandwich bag with all excess air squeezed out. (DISCARD EXCESS MARINADE- please do not try and keep this, it is dangerous as it has had raw chicken sitting in it. It’s not worth it guys. Would’ve cost you next to nothing to make that marinade)
2)      Fill the TMX bowl with 1000g water.
3)      Place the wrapped chicken into the varoma and place on top of the TMX bowl.

4)      Cook for 30 min at Varoma Temp on Speed 2
5)   Take Varoma basket off of the TMX bowl and let is rest, lid on, with chicken in for a further 5 minutes.
6)      Finally I like to seal my chicken briefly on each side in a pan with a tiny bit of spray oil just to crisp it off.Take chicken out of glad wrap and put into a hot frying pan briefly on each side (not too long- it doesn't need to cook any longer)
6)      Serve with Cabbage Salad. YUM!!!

***Please Note: I worked out the ProPoints for this by breaking each meal down. The majority of the marinade will be disgarded- it has been used to impart flavour. I worked out the marinade that is left
on the chicken would be 1 point at the most. The chicken is 5 points because we are steaming it (super healthy way of cooking chicken!). The cabbage salad serves a lot of people and the only thing worth points in it is the oil. Again a serve of salad is worth about 1 point. This will always depend on your serving size. Keep this in mind!!***

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